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- Britney Spears' 'Femme Fatale' Track By Track
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нэгэн залуу явж байгаад электрон барааны дэлгүүрт ороод учиргүй хадаг дэлгэн өнгө оруулдаг нь танайд байна өмсөж хэрглэдэг нь надад байна энэ 2ийг нийлүүлбээс......гэтэл худалдагч хүүхэн нь та ямар сонин хүн бэ намайг тайван орхи би гэр бүлтэй хүн хэн дуртай гуйсанд нь бэр болж явдаггүй гэв. Гэтэл залуу ихэд гайхан та юу яриад байна аа би тань шиг хүнийг гуйх залуу биш зүгээр наад лангуунийхаа ард байгаа угаалгийн машинааа өгөөдөх гэжээ.
Воовка цонх буд. Май будаг багс. Би өрөөндөө байж байя.
Удалгүй Вовка орж ирээд Багшаа цонхыг будаж дууслаа, рамыг нь будах уу?
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Britney Spears' 'Femme Fatale' Track By Track
Has it really been over 12 years since Britney Spears released her first album, "...Baby One More Time"? Though it seems only like yesterday to some, in that dozen years, she's released six studio albums -- not to mention two greatest hits compilations.
Fast-forward to the present, and the now 29-year old pop diva has brought us her seventh studio effort, "Femme Fatale." Largely produced by the inescapable hitmakers Dr. Luke and Max Martin, the album is chock full of uptempo dance numbers charged with lyrics about first looks, second glances and stolen moments.
Dr. Luke and Martin aren't the only pop masterminds behind the boards for "Femme." Spears also enlisted will.i.am, Henrik Jonback and Bloodshy, among others, to craft the 12 song set. (16 if including the four bonus tracks available on the deluxe edition.)
Here's a look at the album, song by song. What do you think of it? Be sure to tell us in the comment section at the bottom of the page.
Bonus Tracks on Deluxe Version:
13. "Up N' Down"
The first of "Femme Fatale's" bonus tracks heads back to the dance floor, where we find ourselves picturing an aggressive Spears going "Up N' Down." (Now, we can only assume she's doing deep knee bends, funking to her favorite song.) In "Up," Spears does one of the things she does best: play the part of club queen. In this mode, she plays super vixen: eyeing men in the club, sizing them up and taunting them with her "Up N' Down."
14. "He About to Lose Me"
A song about a relationship that's perhaps about to go awry, "He About To Lose Me" packs a serious emotional punch. Spears sings about being at the club, entranced by a new man she's made contact with -- all the while thinking of her current beau, who's at home. Will she leave the club with the new guy? Or will she go home to her man -- a guy she's not even all that sure loves her anymore? There's more drama in this 3:49 track than in most soaps! (One incredible flaw to the song? We're not positive Spears is singing on the chorus -- unless her voice has been processed beyond recognition.)
15. "Selfish"
"Be my prisoner of love tonight." Ahem. In "Selfish," Spears' boy-turned-man conquest for the evening is virtually tied up by the diva and ordered to do her bidding. It's a fun number and would have totally worked as a proper inclusion on "Femme" instead of being relegated to bonus track status.
16. "Don't Keep Me Waiting"
A new wavey rock moment for Spears, where fuzzzed-out guitars are paired with what sound like live drums on the ready-for-the-arena track. If your head isn't thrashing about during the chorus, there's something seriously wrong. It barrels through like a locomotive: "don't keep me waiting / i'm goin' crazy / got me waitin' come and take it from me!." (Whatever could she possibly mean by "it?")
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