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Billboard Bits: Slash Talks GN'R Reunion Chances, Robyn Disses Katy Perry?

Ian Gavan/Getty Images

Artists in this Article

Guns N' Roses
Death from Above 1979
Katy Perry
Justin Bieber
Billboard Bits serves up the best bite-sized nuggets of music news and gossip.

Slash Would Consider GN'R Reunion with Axl Rose Apology

Slash says that he would consider re-joining Guns N' Roses 15 years after he left the band -- but not without an apology by frontman Axl Rose. "That would be a call I would be surprised to get," he said. "If that really happened, I would have to clean out my junk drawer, too, but I don't see it happening. But if it did happen, I would do whatever it takes to at least have a conversation about [a reunion]." (NME)

Robyn Disses Tourmate Katy Perry?
Swedish pop star Robyn may have inadvertently dissed Katy Perry, who will she support on the California Dreams summer tour, in a recent interview with Time Out New York. When asked if she was a fan of the singer's music, Robyn replied, "You know what? I have to go now." Perry's 41-date tour, which will feature Robyn and Marina and the Diamonds, kicks off June 7 in Atlanta. ( MTV)

Justin Bieber's Character Killed Off in Upcoming 'CSI'
Justin Bieber's second guest appearance on "CSI" will reportedly be the pop star's last, since his character, Jason McCann, will meet a violent demise. Bieber's character will likely be shot and killed by a crime scene investigator who is acting in self-defense. The can't-miss episode airs Feb. 17 on CBS. ( EW)

Death From Above 1979 Release Reunion Statement

Death From Above 1979 fans were already tipped off to their reunion when the band appeared as part of the Coachella lineup, but the art-punk group's singer/dummer Sebastien Grainger has released an official statement explaining their return. "This is the big show." he writes on its website. "[Bassist] Jesse [F. Keeler] and I have decided that what we can do together should not be denied." ( Pitchfork)

Atmosphere Announce New Album, "The Family Sign"
Indie hip-hop duo Atmosphere has announced that their next full-length, "The Family Sign," will be released April 12 on Rhymesayers Entertainment. The album is the follow-up to 2008's fantastically titled "When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold."

Ziggy Marley and Wife Welcome Third Child
Ziggy Marley's wife, Orly Agai Marley, gave birth to Abraham Selassie Robert Nesta Marley on Jan. 26 in Los Angeles, marking the couple's third child together. Ziggy Marley, who is Bob Marley's eldest son, has also announced that he is working with Image Comics to bring his 'Marijuanaman' character to the comic book world. (PopEater)

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