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Billboard Bits: Eminem & Dr. Dre to Open the Grammys?

Artists in this Article

Duran Duran
Dr. Dre
Mike Posner
The Chemical Brothers
The Roots
Carl Cox
Armin van Buuren
Lil Wayne
Christina Milian
Jimmy Fallon
David Guetta
John Legend
Empire of the Sun
Justin Bieber
Billboard Bits serves up the best bite-sized nuggets of music news and gossip.

Eminem & Dr. Dre to Open the Grammys?

Eminem will reportedly kick off the Grammys this year, performing one of his "Recovery" singles -- but more importantly, dueting with Dr. Dre. Rumors suggests that the two will perform Dre's next "Detox" single, "I Need A Doctor," on which Eminem is featured. An insider said: "Eminem will definitely be performing with Dre on the night… He will also be performing one of his "Recovery" singles but everyone is talking about the Dre duet, saying it could be one of the most memorable Grammy moments of all time if everything goes to plan." Reps for Eminem and the Grammys did not respond to Billboard's request for comment at press time. (MisforMusic)

Justin Bieber Caught Up in The-Dream/Christina Milian Divorce Settlement

The-Dream and Christina Milian's divorce has a new player -- Justin Bieber. According to court documents, The-Dream originally agreed to pay Milian 10 percent of his publishing interest in Bieber's song "Baby," which The-Dream co-wrote. Milian is now seeking a heftier percentage of that interest, along with other monetary support. As a result, The-Dream is attempting to cut off payments to Milian altogether. (TMZ)

Lil Wayne Spices Up Mike Posner's Newest Single
Mike Posner's super sexy new single, "Bow Chicka Wow Wow," has gotten even sexier with the addition of a sultry Lil Wayne verse. "The night was dead, we found live / I know I talk shit, but it sound right," Weezy raps on this new version. Posner's voice is sweet, but the irresistible bassline and Weezy's slow vocals make us crazy to, as Posner puts it, "throw on this Bow Chicka Wow Wow." The two are reportedly filming the song's video together. (Idolator)

Ultra Music Festival Adds Duran Duran, Will.i.am To Bill
Miami's Ultra Music Festival has announced the second phase of its 2011 lineup. Duran Duran, Will.i.am, Moby and Underworld are among the new additions to the festival, which will be held March 25-27 at Miami's Bicentennial Park. Headliners already announced include Tiësto, deadmau5, Empire of the Sun, the Chemical Brothers, David Guetta and Carl Cox. (Ultra Music Festival)

Jonny Greenwood's 'Norwegian Wood' Soundtrack Gets U.S. Release

After a long wait since its Japanese release, Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood's score for of Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood" film adaptation will finally be released by Nonesuch Records in the U.S. The 14-track soundtrack -- set for release on March 8 -- also includes three songs by experimental rock band Can. The music composed by Greenwood was performed by the prestigious BBC Concert Orchestra and the Emperor Quartet. (Pitchfork)

Fans Can Win Trip to Jimmy Fallon-Hosted Pre-Grammy 'Roots Jam Session'

Jimmy Fallon will host the 7th Annual "Roots Jam Session," held on the eve of the Grammys in L.A. The Roots, currently Fallon's live band on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon," garnered six Grammy nominations for 2011. Past hosts of the event include Don Cheadle, John Legend and Jada Pinkett-Smith. While the star-studded event is a private one, fans can win a tip for two to Los Angeles (airfare and hotel included) to attend the Roots Jam Session, by entering through OpportunityNation.org until this Friday (Feb. 3). OpportunityNation is this year's charity partner of the Roots Jam Session.

(Reporting by Jillian Mapes, Kevin Rutherford, Katie Morgan and Ricardo Gomez)

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